CoTech Circle Call 26/05/19

Hi Everyone,

Firstly my name is Liam and I am from MediaBlaze Hosts Coop. I will be the coordinator for the next 3 Co-Tech Circle Calls. Nice to meet you :slightly_smiling_face:

Following our first Co-Tech Circle Call on 29/05/19, we made a good start and managed to get 10 of us into the call. Minutes of the previous call are available here: Circle Call 2019-05-29 - CoTech

This time round for our next call on the 26/05/19 at 16:00 GMT, lets aim to double our attendees and hit a quorate!
It’s a great opportunity to make a difference to Co-Tech and support it further with your ideas, thoughts and awesome work.

I have arranged a mailing list to be setup, which I will use to send out notifications of upcoming meetings, along with anything else that requires following up, I promise not to spam you :yum:

If you would like to sign-up or know of anyone that wishes to be informed of our calls please head over to: Cotech-call Info Page and subscribe.

In the mean time, please post your comments below and we look forward to the next call!

The agenda for our next meeting is here: Circle Call 2019-06-26 - CoTech

The Next call will be accessible here:
Jitsi Meet

Alternatively, if you face quality issues with the online platform, why not dial in with a good 'ol phone?

Dial the following number applicable to your country:

US: +1.512.402.2718
UK: +44.121.468.3154
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Germany: +49.89.380.38719
Spain: +34.932.205.409
Canada: +1.647.243.6108
Australia: +61.8.7150.1136
Brazil: +55.21.3500.0112
Japan: +81.3.4510.2372
Switzerland: +41.61.588.0496

And enter the Coop-Tech Circle Call PIN, which is: 807580223

Also just a quick reminder to all about London Tech Week!!! CoTech at London Tech Week 2019 (June 10th-14th)

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Next community circle call 26th June - anything for the agenda