Update from FACTTIC

I thought this post (Facebook translated) from @Patelo-TECSO was worth sharing. Hoping we haven’t lost momentum in working towards a shared understanding of worker tech, if not as yet shared projects…

Redjar. Soluciónes Informáticas joins Facttic-Federación Argentina de Cooperativas de Tecnología.

We can see how Santa Fe is not only consolidating as a cooperative ecosystem, but in particular it is consolidating in the development of promising partnership initiatives in the ICT industry.

Redjar’s trabajadores-asociad@s pairs founded the co-op in 2014 Already in 2020, the cooperative managed to internationalize and reach Mexico (Llegamos a México para seguir potenciando tu negocio | Redjar).

It has co-developed original knowledge such as ′′ Consensus Development ", a methodology for consulting and participatory planning with end user in the production of computer goods and services (Quiénes Somos | Redjar. Software Solutions).

Likewise, the co-op has the R initiative. solidarity with which the pairs of the cooperative carry out community transformation work, working coordinated and jointly with solidarity community-based organizations. Computer solutions have been developed through the cooperative’s initiatives that help around 90.000 + beneficiaries, thus stimulating mutual aid, gift and care savings. (https://redjar.com.ar/).

Community transformation develops include ′′ Not These Alone ", the first mobile app in Argentina for the prevention of gender violence ('No estás sola': mujeres en Argentina crean la primera aplicación para prevenir la violencia de género - RT) and the ′′ Before Leaving ′′ app which is an app that allows locating closeness locals and also volunteer to care for people at risk or collaborate in community dining rooms (Lanzaron una App para ubicar locales de cercanía u ofrecerse para ayudar a personas en situación de riesgo).

Another of the innovations of the cooperative that can be inspired to be emulated in other cooperatives is the DevPool or development pool system, where the cooperative calls on its customers or beneficiaries to associate themselves under collective purchasing mechanisms that significantly slim implementation costs of a technology base project, which individually would have proven financially unattainable or unworkable not to leverage the economic efficiency instruction that represents cooperation, mutual aid and association on mere business competition. This initiative has attracted more than 100 domestic SMEs, making it easier for them to increase their added value.

Together and federated, co-ops get stronger.