The Facilitating Bravery Initiative (FBI): seeking disrupter partners

Hey everyone, fractals coop and Collective Impact Agency are currently promoting a couple of webinar sessions to recruit for a pilot scheme that offers 10 days of free support for orgs who are struggling with equitable recruitment or radical changes around strategic planning. Do you know anyone who might be interested?

Systems and processes in the organisations we work in really aren’t working, are they? What if you could change that?

We’re currently working in partnership with the Collective Impact Agency to develop a new program called the Facilitating Bravery Initiative. In this pilot programme, we’re offering 10 days of support to two partners to explore and experiment into how we can do things differently in the future in the organisations we work in. We’re interested in supporting organisations who want to develop:
a) alternative, more equitable recruitment processes
b) radical alternatives to current organisational objective setting and strategic planning
If you’re getting stuck when it comes to recruiting or strategic planning we’re co-hosting a couple of webinars to share info and answer burning questions.
For more information and to sign up to webinars to learn more go here:

:date: Date: Tuesday 19th September and Thursday 21st September
:alarm_clock: Time: 10-11.30
:round_pushpin: Venue: Online Webinar
:link: Link: Signup link