Hi all,
I’m talking to a journalist from http://diginomica.com/ tomorrow afternoon at short notice, and I’ll be wearing both worker.coop and CoTech hats. If you have any thoughts or knowledge on the following I would be very grateful for your input!
Even if you don’t have time beforehand, I would like to develop a clear narrative around these questions, as its the sort of thing media and government are asking about, so feel free to add your thoughts anyway. Maybe something to pick up ahead of the March meetup.
Many thanks,
1 How big is the tech worker cooperative movement in your experience? Is it still the exception rather than the rule or a growing movement? Why? Are there particular countries that are ahead of the curve here, and if so, which?
2 What are the key aims/goals/values of the tech worker cooperative movement? How and why is this different to the rest of the tech sector, and how does this manifest itself in real terms?
3 What are the key drivers/benefits for tech workers in joining the coop movement in your view? What tends to make people move out of the mainstream tech sector and into a coop? Why?
4 Is there a typical profile of a tech worker in the coop movement? Do people tend to have common personality types/values/characteristics, and if so, what are they? What is the most usual entry point to working in a coop and why?
5 What are the key challenges for tech workers in going down this route? What are the biggest barriers to doing so and are there particular approaches/behaviours that can be difficult to get used to after working in the commercial sector? Why?
6 Where do tech worker coops see themselves fitting into the wider tech industry? Do they tend to focus their activities on particular sectors eg NGOs and public sector etc, or types of work? Are they happy providing a niche service? Would they like to take on Big Tech? Or is there a third way? Why?
7 What kind of customers tend to opt for working with tech worker coops and why? What are they looking for in going down this route and what do coops offer them that commercial organisations don’t?
8 How do you expect the tech worker coop movement to develop over the next few years and why? What key trends do you expect to see here and why are they significant?