Structural examples and workshops?

Hello CoTech. Wondering if folks have examples of their bylaws they’d be willing to share. And or, have any co-ops here done a workshop with a facilitator who understands cooperative structures? To assist with developing structure/bylaws? And was that helpful?

We’ve been somewhat making up our structure as we go along, has worked pretty well so far but we’re curious to compare notes with other co-ops :slight_smile:


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Are you asking with a view to change your rules or are you asking for examples of standing orders / secondary rules that have been adopted in addition to the primary ones?

Maybe something that could fit in with the good work that was done in:

Sign in · GitLab

@Hannah any further news on that? Super rad initiative…

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Had a similar urge early last year and have since run a couple of sessions during CoTech gatherings on co-operative company handbooks, one session in April and another in September, which tried to draw out the knowledge (and questions!) in the network.

Hope to continue this thread at the next meetup, and am periodically putting energy into growing/pruning the collection of resources that several co-ops have shared into the repo linked by @decentral1se, sign in to peruse!