I am looking for use cases of organisations that host their own mail server.
I am collaborating with an organisation of ~30 members. The mail plans that hosting providers offer are just enough for them for now (50GB, although they offer extra storage if needed) and they would like to explore the option of hosting their own mail server on their VPS. Cost can be a reason for moving to a self-hosted option, but what they save in hosting costs can be less than what they need to spend in technical work for setting it up and maintaining it.
This organisation works with marginalised communities, but data privacy is just a medium concern for them, specially when emails are sent to and from mail servers that are oriented to privacy in different levels.
The information I could gather from the people around me is that it is difficult to set it up in a way that the messages sent from it are not detected as spam by other mail servers. I haven’t found many resources about self-hosting mail servers at a professional level and I would appreciate if someone can refer me to information about when it makes sense to go for the self-hosted option and how to set it up properly for making it reliable.
In addition to this, they would also like to explore the option of hosting their own control version instance. They have 4-5 repositories that they want to publish in order to make the projects collaborative, so having their own instance can hinder the visibility of the project and may not be the right solution for such a small number of repositories.
Any thoughts and experiences are welcome. Thanks!