Require all posts from new users to be manually approved

Due to the recent levels of spam, the fact that the captcha hasn’t helped I think we probably need to configure post review triggers so that all posts from new users need to be manually approved.

Does anyone have any better suggestions or thoughts on this?


Thank you for the continued work on managing this!

I think that this makes the most sense at the cost of creating some mild friction for legit new users.

My questions are:

  • how much work dealing with spam creating for admins?
  • do you have a feel for the impact for how much additional work the manual approval process will create and is that reasonable given the time existing admins have?
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I suspect that since it would only be new user posts it wouldn’t make much difference for admins either way, however it would have a positive impact for non-admin as there should be a reduction in spam that is viewable by regular users, also a lot of the spam reporting is being done by non-admins, it would probably have the most impact for these users.


I think do it @chris. It’s either that or close registration.


I wonder how they managed to post this:

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We haven’t enabled manual approval of posts yet.

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I see, then we should enable it, it doesn’t seem like a big problem for real users, considering there aren’t many new real users anyway.

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I’ve adjusted the settings so that all new users (trust level 0) need to have their posts approved and I have tweaked some other settings, including adding a list of watched words — any post containing one of these words (not case sensitive) will be blocked: