Rebooting CoTech in 2024

I’ve been meaning to start a thread about “rebooting CoTech in 2024”. I’ve had a few conversations about it around Space4 and I think there’s still enthusiasm and interest to communicate more widely with the outside world so that people can see what’s going on.

From what I can tell there’s still plenty of co-ops within CoTech doing loads of really interesting things, it’s just the busier we all are the less time we have to do the “within CoTech” and external work to make that obvious. Over the last couple of years I’ve had several conversations with new co-ops that have formed and joined CoTech - perhaps they’ve been able to do that with the resources that are publically available so it’s not as obvious that it’s happening?

I’d love to talk to anyone at anytime about how to increase activity and make the existing activity more visible :slight_smile:


I’ve split your post into a separate thread @chrislowis I hope that is OK!

Personally I’ve been putting the energy that was going into CoTech into and I’m still of the view that we should look at some kind of merger whereby we become the tech sector industrial group within

Perhaps those of us in CoTech co-ops who are at the weekend in May could come up with a concrete proposal to bring back to CoTech on this?


I think moving CoTech and closer together would be a good thing to pursue.

I think what I enjoy most about CoTech is the in-person events and the sharing of knowledge/experience/shoulders-to-cry-on with like-minded tech companies. I think injecting a bit more life into that is somewhat independent of the structure/governance changes that would come from merging with (I’m not sure making that change in itself would help with the community building, but it would hopefully simplify things a bit).

I’d be interested in organising some in-person events this year and I also want to proactively contact as many CoTech co-ops as possible and work out if they’re still active and how best to keep in regular touch with them.


I think this sounds great. Last year I tried organising some tech chats and insight sharing sessions at Space4, but I think doing something network wide would be great.

Let me know if there’s anything Good Praxis can help with.


CoTech members already agreed to push forward on the industrial circle proposal, in this thread over on Loomio. A process was suggested and potential knotty questions were identified, but really I think all it needs is a bit of work to put it into a draft Memo of Agreement which can be picked over and voted on by CoTech members, then by The discussion hasn’t advanced since last May or so, but nothing has really changed since then in terms of context and logic. I’m happy to assist with this.


@Sion how best to progress this, should we call an online meeting to work out what the memo should cover and discuss the details?

Go for it… we can use where we got to on Loomio last spring as a starting point?

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Hey folks,

I just got back from maternity leave.

In the past we’ve offered SPACE4 as a CoTech meet-up location. Should we try to plan something here in the spring/summer?

If the event is out of London I might struggle to come because of childcare etc. So my personal preference would be to host it here, and I can justify putting time into helping organising it.



Welcome back! That sounds good for a face-to-face event @polly, there was also a Creative Co-op spring event suggestion.

The only two events I can think of to avoid clashing with in the spring / summer are the Workers Co-op Weekend 17th-19 May 2024 and the Stir to Action Festival 10th-11th July 2024, perhaps June would be a good month for this?

Regarding a video call to progress the idea of a MoU between and CoTech, here is a poll for some suggested dates and times I could do, would any of these work for others?

  • 3-4pm Monday 26th February 2024
  • 3-4pm Tuesday 27th February 2024
  • 3-4pm Wednesday 28th February 2024
  • 3-4pm Thursday 29th February 2024
  • 3-4pm Monday 4th March 2024
  • 3-4pm Tuesday 5th March 2014
  • 3-4pm Wednesday 6th March 2024
  • 3-4pm Thursday 7th March 2024
0 voters

Following a few people from CoTech having a chat at the Co-op Congress last week we are going to have a call at 3pm on Tuesday 2nd July to discuss organising a CoTech gathering for 2024, at this URL:

I’ll post the access code for the meeting on the day.

All welcome, based on who has attended these meeting in the past I’m tagging a few people in case they can make it, @polly @MelMcNab @kawaiipunk @chrislowis @KingMob @SzczepanOfAnimorph hope to see a few of you on the 2nd!


The above call :point_up: is in 10 minutes at this URL, access code 486072, hope to see some people in a moment!