international tech co-op community

Heya Cotech!

Patio is a global network of tech worker co-ops, including member co-operatives from Europe, North and South America, and Asia so far. The community has been building for some time, and just
launched a nice new website:

There’s an active Mattermost chat with discussion and skill-sharing on a variety of topics, regular casual inter-co-op calls, and a call every 2 weeks aiming to link up international co-operatives to help with business development.

This leads collaboration is something that’s been talked about within CoTech for a while, particularly in terms of teaming up to apply for larger projects, and we’re very excited to see it happening at the international level too.

Autonomic will of course keep participating in CoTech as well. We think it’ll take working on the local, regional and international levels to get anywhere with the world co-op takeover.

Please email if you’d like to join Patio

Some CoTech-ers might remember comrades from FACTTIC, the Argentinian tech co-op federation who’ve been a big part of setting up this initiative, joining the CoTech event in Sheffield in 2019.