Just an idea of who you are and what interests you?
E.g. I am Pete and I don’t really know why I am here but have a sense that this could be really useful. I have been using the Discourse server that a community of RSA Fellows set up and while it doesn’t seem to be much different from all the other forums out there it does have quite a nice feel to it. By the way I work with Outlandish on organisational stuff and live near Brighton (in Lewes, the home of Tom Paine.
Hi Pete and Everyone
Thanks for setting this up! I’m Szczepan from Animorph.coop, used to do journalism and theatre, but over last few years been learning how to code in order to extend potential impact of my actions.
Over a year ago, five people from Sanford housing co-op in London got together to set up Animorph. We come from variety of backgrounds: engineering, production, sound design, 3D modelling and more. So far we have done a few AR/VR prototypes for art&commercial clients. We’re soon going to release our app-statement for mobile platforms and there more apps on the horizon. We are impatiently expecting the arrival of the https://www.metavision.com/ devkit, which will bring our developments to entirely new level. We look forward to making great stuff with you!
Sion from Calverts (worker co-operative graphic design / digital, litho, inkjet and Riso print production, web design, CoTech member) and Principle Six (coop advice and support, formation, education, propaganda, referral networking). I am interested in business partnerships and collaborations, worker coop best and emerging practice, worker coop industry sectoral, political and geography-based networks, spreading worker cooperation as strategy to mitigate and then abolish wage labour and capitalist social relations.
I’m Chris from Go Free Range. We’re a small software consultancy based in London. I’m happy to talk about how we work, learn from others and discuss ways of growing and strengthening the CoTech network.
Thanks for starting this thread! I’m another Chris, from Webarchitects and I mostly do sysadmin / devops type stuff using free open source software, our co-op provides shared services such as web hosting and customised and managed virtual servers and such like.
I’m Matt K (one of many) from Outlandish. I am a member at Outlandish and also I am a web developer mostly working in PHP. I’ve been with Outlandish for almost 5 years.
Hello all. Thanks Chris for this great tool. Can I share the links with colleagues within our coop, eg have multiple members from one coop? wave.coop - design for nice people
@Felix of course, everybody in your co-op would be most welcome to join and in addition to members of digital co-ops we are hoping to have a much wider range of people here from clients to co-operators in non-tech co-ops who have tech questions to potential new co-op members etc…
Hello I’m Jonathan from Webarchitects, also in Principle 5 https://www.principle5.coop (Co-operative Resources Centre, also based in Sheffield). I’m happy to be here (and to meet a few people at last weekend’s worker co-ops camp). I’m into co-operative organisation, spreading cooperation as opposed to capitalist social relations, and stuff.
Rowan from Calverts. I work as a graphic designer, both for print and screen. I founded the newspaper STRIKE! a worker controlled publishing platform for those involved in grassroots resistance, anti-oppression politics, and the philosophies and creative expressions surrounding these movements. Thanks @chris for creating this forum I look forward to seeing what unfolds.
Hi, I’m Ed from Co-operative Web which is a software development worker co-op based in Birmingham. We’ve been building stuff for almost 11 years and share the aspirations that Harry put forward on growing the co-op network in the UK, finding ways to work together easily and managing the peaks and troughs of our demand. We’re also trying to streamline the way we work internally and happy to share what we’re doing and steal ideas from others - it’s something we definitely need to work on!
I’m Simon Grant from Cetis LLP We joined Coops UK and CoTech earlier this year.
We (Cetis) do learning / educational technologies, interoperability, and standards, and have a long track record since around 2000. We started working directly for Jisc, the UK’s Higher Education tech funding committee / agency, but have gradually become more and more independent. We’ve been constituted as a cooperative LLP for over two years now.
I welcome this forum for open discussion of all the issues related to cooperation on and with technology, and it’s good that it is open to people who aren’t (yet) members of CoTech, as there are other ways of doing things as well.
My personal particular interests are electronic portfolios, and the learner’s end of learning technology; and matching systems to help people find others to cooperate or collaborate with effectively.