Hi from CloudHaven

Let me introduce CloudHaven an MIT open source project. CloudHaven is very unique. Its a platform that anyone can join and in which any organization can create Vue-based applications, but in a VERY different way - Vue front ends are DYNAMICALLY RENDERED from a text blob containing a JSON-like representation of a UI. An application or component can contain components from any other organization. Applications and components can have their own back-end via a registered URL (or use CloudHaven’s native simple db, etc. for prototypes). Instead of users registering with and using many applications, its more like there is a single application that organizations contribute components to (dynamically). Web applications turned inside out.

CloudHaven also has native messaging, workflow queues and calendar programmable from applications via the API - and CONTENT CAN CONTAIN EMBEDDED APPLICATIONS.

Watch two short videos that quickly illustrate this novel model at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6j-ZAhp7DpcodtAatfu7zg or visit https://www.cloudhaven.net

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo used CloudHaven for a capstone project for 25 students for 20/21 year.

I’m looking for cooperative technologists who could leverage this technology in their own efforts or may want to have a substantial role in building out this project.

There’s much more to this including true personal data privacy and control.