General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

I’m surprised we don’t have a thread on the General Data Protection Regulation yet, so here’s one…

Is everyone ready for it? It seems that ICCAN isn’t and this could have an impact on the whois databases:

Hi, I have been/am still working on this.
One thing which I think would be useful is that we develop a place on the Wiki for people to put up policy documents. I have recently drawn up an Anti Slavery and Human trafficking policy and a bribery and Corruption policy. These were needed so as to be contract compliant.
I feel one thing CoTech could do is to develop a repository of such policies including GDPR so that people can adopt, adapt and improve policies.
It would also help different co-ops work together if they had the same policies or similar policies using the same principles.


Good call Chris. One of the Gildedsplinters is currently working with .coop & the ICA on this. I’ll see if they’d be up for posting any generic findings here for the community benefit…

found this useful already: GDPR guidance for co-ops – member and customer data | Co-operatives UK

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