Fund update 2021

Hi folks,

Here’s a quick update on the state of the CoTech fund as of the end of the last calendar year (31/12/2021).


  • We currently have £5262.03 in our Unity Trust bank account
  • We have no liabilities
  • 14 CoTech co-ops contributed a total of £4771 in 2021
  • We spent £2382.04. Mostly on fixed costs (like hosting) but also on a project to pay someone to research and write the CoTech newsletter for 6 months.


Here’s a breakdown of the revenue and expenses for the last 3 years

Income Statement 2019-01-01..2021-12-31

                                                 ||    2019     2020     2021 
 Revenues                                        ||                           
 Revenue:Subscriptions:CooperativeWeb            || 1040.00   221.00  1079.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:AgileCollective           ||  572.00   728.00   676.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:Outlandish                ||  416.00   416.00   416.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:DotProject                ||  156.00   260.00   520.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:WeAreOpen                 ||  260.00   312.00   208.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:Animorph                  ||  208.00   260.00   260.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:GoFreeRange               ||  208.00   208.00   208.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:CodeOperative             ||       0   260.00   260.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:CommunityBroadbandNetwork ||       0   208.00   208.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:WebArchitects             ||       0        0   364.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:FormAndFunction           ||       0   156.00   156.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:InfactDigitalCooperative  ||       0   156.00   156.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:PrincipleSix              ||  104.00   104.00   104.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:Autonomic                 ||       0   104.00   156.00 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:SmallAxeCommunications    ||       0   260.00        0 
 Revenue:Subscriptions:CreativeCoop              ||       0   102.00        0 
                                                 || 2964.00  3755.00  4771.00 
 Expenses                                        ||                           
 Expenses:Infrastructure:Discourse               ||       0  2900.00  1450.00 
 Expenses:Newsletter                             ||       0        0   450.00 
 Expenses:Infrastructure:MediaWiki               ||       0   230.00   115.00 
 Expenses:Infrastructure:Loomio                  ||       0   127.29   176.60 
 Expenses:Gatherings:Newcastle                   ||       0   217.00        0 
 Expenses:BankCharges                            ||   54.00    72.00    72.00 
 Expenses:Infrastructure:DomainName              ||       0   125.64    58.44 
 Expenses:Infrastructure:StaticHosting           ||       0   120.00    60.00 
                                                 ||   54.00  3791.93  2382.04 
 Net:                                            || 2910.00   -36.93  2388.96 

It’s not particularly easy to compare 2021 with 2020, since 2019 was the first year the fund started and some of the revenue and expenses were carried over from 2019 into 2020.

We had no gathering costs last year for obvious reasons, but we did use some of the income to improve our online communications. The Loomio cost last year should be the last as we took advantage of an offer to pay for a “lifetime subscription”.


Our annual income is greater than our fixed infrastructure costs, so as long as members keep contributing we should see the assets in the fund grow. We also have the opportunity to use the fund to support projects that benefit the network.

There are still a number of co-ops who don’t contribute to the fund, it would be good to encourage them (and any new co-ops who join CoTech) to get involved if they can afford to do so.


Thanks Chris, and everyone who’s co-op is in a position to pay into the fund :slight_smile:

Is there a list of the “fixed infrastructure costs” somewhere? (apologies if it’s obvious!)

Hey Doug! Not explicitly, but they are essentially all provided by Web Architects and are in the expenses section of the report above. The invoice for 2021 is attached below. To summarise here:

  • Domain name registrations: £58.44
  • Discourse server (this forum): £1450
  • £115
  • Hosting for and dev server: £60

Hope that helps!

2021-05-11 - Web Architects - Invoice 5402.pdf (36.3 KB)

Awesome, thanks @chrislowis! Serendipitously, we’ve just recorded an episode of our podcast with @alex where we were talking about the difference between CoTech’s original vision with shared services, etc. compared to where we are now (not better/worse, just different!)