This might be of interest to some of you – this event on Monday on reimagining pay structures and employment contracts is run by some excellent humans and is going to be good! >>
Gutted to have missed this as we’ve run into these issues since becoming employers at GP.
Does anyone that attended feel like writing a blog post about what they learned?
I wrote these v rough notes Chris – hope these are helpful! Reimagining the Wage - Google Docs
ah amazing, thank you!
Thanks for taking these notes @RebeccaTrevalyan! Really appreciated!
Kayleigh and I spoke at this event and they might be doing some more ‘deeper dives’ to go into the particular approaches in more detail. But really happy to talk to anyone in CoTech about how we approach pay in Outlandish, its obviously really tricky and co-operatives of course have their own particular challenges (opportunities?).
They are developing a case study (Dark Matter Labs) so I can send it round once they have finalised it. They are likely to be able to explain our approach better than I could!