Curated list of non-capitalist tools for self-management, digital sovereignty and mutual-aid [SPANISH]

Hi peers, I just shared this curated list I made of digital tools for self-management, mutual-aid and digital sovereignty. I hope you find value in the tools. It’s in Spanish but it could be translated to English as well. Or maybe you could start learning the language to make the community more inclusive :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: .

Here is the link: Herramientas tecnologicas postcapitalistas para la auto-gestión, soberanía digital y ayuda mutua - Google Sheets


Thanks! It’s good to have this top-level simplicity in a list like this. Then perhaps notes could also lead to articles comparing / contrasting, saying what the pros and cons are, etc.?

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Exactly :wink: , that was the core idea.

I definitely welcome such a list.

Good to see Mattermost and Signal there.

Shouldn’t Discourse make the list? Arguably a replacement for Facebook Groups and Reddit.

Not sure why Discord gets a pass? What is the criteria? They even have funding from Tencent (and guess who controls them?!)

Huawei, seriously? That’s embroiled in a whole other hegemony, definitely should not be marked as an option imho!


Thanks for the comment! I think I may have confused Discord with Mastodon.
In regards to Huawei, it was definitely a grey area case, as it’s written in the comment on top of the cell, Huawei is employee-owned via an employee ownership plan that is why it was considered non-capitalistic:

Thanks Patricio. That’s an interesting take. However I would be very wary of anything related to large Chinese corporations who are kept very closely in line by the CCP.

Out of the frying pan …

To quote the FT in 2017:

“China’s Communist party is writing itself into the articles of association of many of the country’s biggest companies in a blow to investor hopes that Beijing would relax its grip on the market. More than 30 Hong Kong-listed state-owned enterprises, representing more than $1tn in market capitalisation, have this year added lines to their central documents that place the party, rather than the Chinese state, at the heart of each group. New phrases injected into the articles of association in recent months include describing the party as playing a core role in “an organised, institutionalised and concrete way” and “providing direction [and] managing the overall situation”. The changes are being billed by the companies as part of Beijing’s efforts to improve efficiency and productivity at SOEs, which account for about a fifth of the country’s economic output. The revisions followed the annual meeting of China’s rubber-stamp parliament in March, although a handful of companies altered their articles last year. While the new language makes explicit investors’ long-held assumption of party influence, the changes are the first time the party rather than the government has been named, investors said.”