CoTech Winter 2019 Gathering : Newcastle

Hi all,

@finn and I had a lovely day in Birmingham last week visiting Dev Society and Coop Web. We talked about the gathering a bit and things that would be good to get out of it. So a quick summary:

  • Skills Mapping: finding out who does what and also starting to analyse gaps in the network e.g. business analyst (this came up recently)
  • Creating a shared working agreement. Specifically for web development agencies initially but could be rolled out to other types of coops. Involves agreeing an internal rate for projects which are not a partnership to allow for a coop to bring in additional resources for a project.
  • Knowledge sharing and communication: Some people really don’t like this Discourse forum - too random and open. It would be helpful to have a place which has specific channels that have people in that are experts / champions.
  • How do we turn CoTech from an acquaintance to a friend?

The skills mapping initiative is going to continue at the next gathering, which is great. I’d be up for discussing the working agreement stuff as part of the business development WG.

This is really a brain dump but hopefully some of it is useful! Time to go home…