CoTech Propaganda WG meet September TBD

Breaking out CoTech Propanganda WG? into its own post for the calendar/event visibility :rocket: Leading thoughts and context in CoTech Propaganda WG? - #4 by calummackervoy. All Cotech members welcome!

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I’ve added an agenda here: Propaganda Working Group 2021-07-20 - CoTech

Please feel free to add to it :slight_smile:

I went with the process:

  • summarise from the discussions in the June call & on the thread
  • review how the term can be interpreted
  • review what we have now
  • decide what we’re going to do next

But I’m open to other structures!


Hi guys, a couple of people who were very interested in this working group can’t attend on 20th July. @decentral1se @3wordchant @bates_oliver @dajbelshaw @chris are you okay with moving it to a date between 27th July - 6th August?

(Still open to everyone, I’m just tagging the people who have commented on this so far)


Thanks @calummackervoy, sorry that I can’t make the initially-proposed date. I’m away until week beginning 2nd August. Would the same time on Tuesday 3rd work? :slight_smile:

Responded too soon… I can do a day that week but would it be possible to do an early hour? I’ll be on holiday and hoping there will be good surf

See below

Thank you @calummackervoy for being accommodating. I am on holiday July 26th - 8th August so won’t be at a computer for that fortnight. Anyway I can be a pain and ask we push a week later? No worries if not.

Yeah @bates_oliver no problem for me!

Let’s use When2Meet instead if that’s OK :slight_smile: CoTech Propaganda WG - When2meet

@dajbelshaw sorry please vote again there :sweat_smile:

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We just discussed pushing the next circle call to September, maybe we can do the same with this? (Unless folks are determined, in that case, fire away!) I am also afk a lot this coming month so can’t make it.


September is fine for me - we’ve rearranged and scheduled new polls for this a number of times though lol :grin: could you pick a date in September please @decentral1se ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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