Breaking out CoTech Propanganda WG? into its own post for the calendar/event visibility Leading thoughts and context in CoTech Propaganda WG? - #4 by calummackervoy. All Cotech members welcome!
I’ve added an agenda here: Propaganda Working Group 2021-07-20 - CoTech
Please feel free to add to it
I went with the process:
- summarise from the discussions in the June call & on the thread
- review how the term can be interpreted
- review what we have now
- decide what we’re going to do next
But I’m open to other structures!
Hi guys, a couple of people who were very interested in this working group can’t attend on 20th July. @decentral1se @3wordchant @bates_oliver @dajbelshaw @chris are you okay with moving it to a date between 27th July - 6th August?
(Still open to everyone, I’m just tagging the people who have commented on this so far)
Thanks @calummackervoy, sorry that I can’t make the initially-proposed date. I’m away until week beginning 2nd August. Would the same time on Tuesday 3rd work?
Responded too soon… I can do a day that week but would it be possible to do an early hour? I’ll be on holiday and hoping there will be good surf
See below
Thank you @calummackervoy for being accommodating. I am on holiday July 26th - 8th August so won’t be at a computer for that fortnight. Anyway I can be a pain and ask we push a week later? No worries if not.
Yeah @bates_oliver no problem for me!
Let’s use When2Meet instead if that’s OK CoTech Propaganda WG - When2meet
@dajbelshaw sorry please vote again there
We just discussed pushing the next circle call to September, maybe we can do the same with this? (Unless folks are determined, in that case, fire away!) I am also afk a lot this coming month so can’t make it.
September is fine for me - we’ve rearranged and scheduled new polls for this a number of times though lol could you pick a date in September please @decentral1se ?