CoTech General Circle Call 2020 Returns!

@Lucy this is certainly work in progress! The proposals passed on Loomio in January paves the way for a complete decision-making process. On the same Loomio thread people kindly highlighted what needs to be looked at going forward, these concerns (and more to be discovered!) will be addressed at the coming gathering during Worker Coop Weekend.

The following call will be our first opportunity to use the process depicted on the drawing from the wiki.

We highlighted ‘External idea’ as an option so in theory even a person from outside CoTech could suggest a proposal to the Call. We would encourage everyone to post their idea before the governance circle meeting (e.g. on this thread), so we can add it to the agenda. The Call will aim to workshop proposals and get them to a stage when they can go to Loomio (unless there’s important work to be done to satisfy raised concerns, e.g. more research). Only then it becomes important who has contributed to the Fund (has a Voting Share), because only members of the co-ops that contribute financially can vote.

The pilot year of Fund has come to an end now, it was passed Loomio on the 8th of Feb 2019. We will produce a report summarising it and describe how it will continue existing as a part of CoTech governance.

Thank you all for supporting and contributing to this transition!