CoTech Gathering 🪁 Spring Break 2021

I want to hold a session on 2021-04-08T10:00:00Z about the existing company handbooks / policy documents of the co-ops in CoTech.

The seed of the idea is that I want to create a simple shared resource (e.g. on where our co-ops can view these documents from other CoTech co-ops.

There are many excellent approaches to these kinds of documents in the thread about governing documents / handbooks / constitutions (thank you @chrislowis), which I’ve been returning to frequently as Animorph works to get our policies to cover, then go beyond, the legal minimum. There is only one (I think) CoTech co-op example in that thread, yet I’m sure there are many more examples of good governance documents in our co-operative coffers, whether or not they’re presented in such a way.

Next actions
In advance of the session I will work to gather as many documents as possible from the co-operatives of CoTech to get an idea of where we stand collectively. If anyone’s already done some of this work, please jump in; I know @gemmacopeland and @Caitlin were working on something similar earlier this year, but maybe that had a more outward-facing focus?

Please holler at me if this session is of interest to you and your co-op!