So, after chatting with a few of you, we’re excited to share that we’re organising a CoTech meetup in Colchester on the 18th of September! It’ll be a one-day event with an evening social, and we’ll provide info on accommodations and all that good stuff.
We’ve secured the Art Gallery as our venue and booked two fully-accessible rooms. There’s also a lovely veggie/vegan co-op cafe in the building that will be doing our catering, and we have a nice big garden space we can use too. We have preliminary evening venues in place with food.
First things first, who’s interested?
I’ll add some topic ideas for discussion, and Sofia, who some of you may know, is the Project Manager at Creative Coop, will be adding more details. Please chip in with ideas and questions
Hi everyone!
Lovely to meet you. So excited for CoTech 2024! Colchester,Essex. Not much time left, so if you would all help us to get the themes and leads for the sessions it would be great. I will be sharing the event link this week with all
We are planing to have 6 sessions of 1h each. We wanted to share some ideas and get yours too. So far we have:
‘Show & Tell’ A summary of what your coop has been doing? A chance to introduce new people and update others on projects or major changes in your coop
Working with Local Authorities
How do co-ops fit into the world of B Corp, net zero etc?
Processes - useful workflows and strategies you use to manage projects as a team
Finance - What are the pain points of your coop when managing finances? what software or strategies do you use to help?
The effects of big agencies greenwashing- a lot of CoTech members target social good projects but how do we compete when agencies are using charities to counter balance their huge profits of working with companies like Barclays and Shell?
Assuming the proposed MoA between CoTech and is agreed I’d be happy to help with a session on the practical steps we would need to undertake as a result (ringing around all the CoTech members that haven’t joined, updating the website etc etc).
We (Webarchitects) might be the only co-op without bank cards (debit or credit) for our members (Unity Trust doesn’t provide them) and I couldn’t make a payment using PayPal for a ticket (I get a “Things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again.” error message each time I try) — would it be possible to add an option to the page for people to email you for your bank account details so people can pay for tickets using a bank transfer? Thanks!
This one-day event is a fantastic opportunity to meet and connect with other coops! You’ll be part of 7 different sessions where we’ll casually discuss topics that matter to us. It’s a relaxed yet informative approach that we’re sure you’ll enjoy!
We are working on developing the ideas and themes for the sessions. If anyone has any ideas of areas they would like to run or hear more about at CoTech do let us know.
For anyone arriving on the Tuesday we do have a co working space attached to our studio that people are welcome to use. Just let us know if you plan on coming over.
Also we are going to head for drinks on the Tuesday night too and all coming down the evening before are invited. More details to follow!
Hello everyone! We have a good range of co-ops attending. If anyone is still planning on coming that hasn’t brought tickets yet do let us know asap so we can update caterers.
The weather is planned to be 23c and we have the gardens we can use throughout the day too