Anyone got any thoughts on CRMs / case notes systems

Hi all :wave:

Does anyone have any experience of commissioning, developing or running a CRM or case notes system? (Ideally in a case notes capacity rather than a CRM for tracking business leads)

We’re running a Design Sprint to devise a new one for a social impact project/client, and want to hear from some people with experience of these kind of tools and projects. It can be in any capacity (e.g. end user, project manager, designer/developer… anything really).

If you’ve got anything to say about ways forward/mistakes to avoid or how to make a good system, your input would be hugely appreciated!

(It’s on this Thursday morning and there’s a renumeration too :wink: )

Thanks in advance! :raised_hands:

I know @naomi was working on one at some point.

I don’t think she is any more, the site for it no longer exists, this is the thread about it:

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This is a topic near and dear to my heart.

A few years ago I did a bechmark of many online systems for case management.

I made this comparative video:

It’s in spanish … but I can re-record it and expand it if you are really interested.

I’m happy to video chat too.

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