What is your dream project?

Cool post! I have a few thoughts on the things @KingMob originally mentioned

  • 3D city map for a community union: this makes me think of OpenEngiadina - which is using OpenStreetMap
  • Sociocracy proposal tool. I think Enspiral and/or Loomio were working on this? I’ve also heard of people talking about doing this in Startin’Blox, the tool which CoTech’s Hubl instance depends on
  • I think this blog series is a great idea. Perhaps it could be a feature for the CoTech newsletter

I’m working on my dream project, we’re calling it the Multi User Domain for now. The ambition is to create a platform for interoperable/decentralised adventure games

That idea is quite topical at the moment:

  • Facebook announced that they’re working on a dystopian alternative (called the Metaverse)
  • Christine Webber of the ActivityPub specification is working on something similar called Fantasary. Definitely keen to make the MUD interoperable with this one day. True interoperability is how we can be stronger than Facebook

The thing that’s really cool about semantic web projects is that with good standards and a good community our applications can become a living commons in their own right, and they can unlock collective power in a way that isolated applications can’t