Looking for report and data visualisation designers – community shares

Hi. We’re looking for an agency to manage a design project for a report we’re releasing this year – a follow up to the 2020 Understanding a maturing community shares market report.

The last report had great data – this one even more so – that we want to get out to a wider audience, as well as for use in influencing policymakers etc. We want to explore some different, more interesting and engaging ways of displaying the data.

We’re ideally looking for one agency/person to

  • Design the report
  • Design 5-10 engaging graphics (for the report and other channels)

Or, if you’re particularly good at doing interesting graphics, less bothered about the wider report design, we’d consider working with two agencies. We have brand guidelines etc.

If you’re interested in finding out more and seeing the brief, please contact me at leila.osullivan@uk.coop – ideally by Friday 7 October.
