Libre Software Meeting, Strasbourg

The Libre Software Meeting is the biggest non-profit libre event in France. It’s international and general public oriented, even if some techies event will take place.
I’m in charge of the social theme (politic, laws, social, philosophic, …), and I wonder if you would like to make an event in this meeting. We are planning to do conferences, debates, chatrooms, devroom, (in french or english) but are open to suggestions.

You could find the “participate” form here :

“We will set expenses reimbursement rules according to our budget. Reimbursement will be prioritized based on the person revenue and travelling distance.”

But feel free to ask me for further information.



We decided to keep the “call for content” opened to the 30 april.
And I forgot to mention that tge LSM will took place between july 7th and july 12th.
