How to make a proposal for using the fund?

Hi all, as a follow on from The Return of the CoTech Newsletter! - #27 by decentral1se I am trying to grok where to make my proposal to use the fund. I looked at CoTech Fund 2021 - join now! and cotech / fund · GitLab but it was not clear - do you make a post here in this category or do you go straight for the Loomio proposal? And is there a proposal template? So from what I understand, the fund is not getting used a lot? Well, then I am happy to document as I go which (big surprise) can also be published in the first newsletter :wink: So, any pointers, please let me know, much appreciated.

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Great to hear you’re looking into it and sorry for not making it easier to find.

Probably the best place to come back to is Sheffield 2019 where Fund was conceived and proposed. At the bottom of that wiki page you can see the process described briefly.

I’ve added two main points (under How do I propose spending to the fund? header) to the repo’s Readme and will run it through the next General Circle call to double check it makes sense!

Does this help @decentral1se ?


I think following that process makes sense, and we could just do that now rather than wait for the next call - given that we agreed on it in Sheffield? It’ll let us move a bit quicker while there’s energy and enthusiasm?

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Thanks you both! I’ll go ahead and make the proposal today and we’ll see how it goes.


Hey, I am just leaving breadcrumbs here but I am gonna propose a 15 pound rate following Hourly pay rate for CoTech fund? (maybe something to also decide on but maybe not as it sounds quite sensible…) and gonna make a proposal and set a week deadline in the Loomio.