Collaboration on Tender for Transparency International Global Health

We at Cetis ( are looking to bid for the following tender from Transparency International Global Health which ask for web developers to develop a platform to showcase TIGH’s data on corruption in healthcare:

Tender pack here:

Deadline is 9th Sept. Budget cap is £9k.

From the pack they require:

Crucially, the platform must be able to display:

  1. Interactive maps so that users can explore geocoded data
    Figure 1. Example of what interactive map could look like
  2. A diverse set of different visualisations/charts and analysis tools for exploring data based on
    TIGH use cases for the dataset in question
  3. Text, explanations & simple metrics
  4. Tables to breakdown certain data with the ability to embed URLs in each row
  5. TI policies and disclaimers

The platform must have the following functions:

  1. Ability to upload our own data and populate the different pages ourselves (JSON, XLSX, CSV)
  2. Ability to adapt different presentation of data, e.g., by adding different layers to the
    interactive map, or by adding or removing visualisations, or including text between different
  3. Ability to easily install these displays on other websites with minimal technical knowledge (the product should be standalone or installed as a package)
  4. The data should be displayed simply, without overcrowding the page and in reference to our style guide
  5. A clear and accessible means of submitting complaints for individual pieces of data included on the interactive map, including a way for users to flag any links that are of concern, so that those concerns can be investigated.

We’re looking to focus more on the data viz elements, building on our previous work with viz in web components (using Stencil.js) and Tableau. We’ve done interactive viz with maps which seems to be a priority for TIGH.

We’re wondering whether there’s any interest in collaborating on a tender?

